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AI imagines Cities

AI-generated Pictures trained with my own Photographs

The past years I've been discovering the world,

fascinated by the promises of foreign lands.

I crossed 3 continents and lived in multiple cities.

I always had a camera with me searching for a good angle.


And I was wondering if I train Artificial Intelligence (StyleGan2) with my photographs, what new urban realities could AI imagine?


Extract of My "Globe Trotter Album"

'My Globe Trotter Album' is 600 urban cliches I took over my globe-trotter life and used as dataset to train the algorithm.

In october 2021, we were talking with Vera Bos regarding an exhibition

'Imagining the Global City' organized by the National Museum of Photography of Rotterdam, Netherlands.

And we were wondering how AI could imagine the Global City

and creates new urban realities.

So I trained an Artificial Intelligence model with 600 urban photographs of my collection. I fed the algorithm with it...

And it gave us back AI-generated results full of poetry...

Parallel Lines

AI imagines Cities

AI-generated Paintings was a brand new art experience for me.

The machine creates infinite new realities and looking at the AI-generated pictures you recognize your own artistical style, your way of taking cliches.

You recognize places which never existed.

Art powered by AI is the new avant-garde Art Movement and redefines the role of the artist in the creative process and repositions his role from Art production to Art curation.

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